
link GraphQL Schema definition

1input WarehouseUpdateInput {
3name: String
5# If an id of warehouse is provided it puts the updated warehouse before it
7# Exactly one input field should be provided
8beforeWarehouse: WarehouseInput
10# If set, the warehouse and warehouse stock qty will not be shown in the normal list under Catalog > Stock.
11# Instead, it will be seen in a specific section in the bottom called: 'x warehouses are hidden from view: (Show)'.
12hideFromStockView: Boolean
14# You choose who is the physical owner of the stock.
15stockOwnershipPolicy: WarehouseStockOwnership
17# If set to Direct, upon order placement, if the items are in stock, they will be allocated to the order from the
18# available warehouse of the chosen Allocation rule (unless preporder, backorder settings apply).
19# If set to Check first, upon order placement, the items will be allocated to the Direct warehouse of the chosen
20# Allocation rule.
21# At the same time, a request will be sent to a physical shop which can accept or reject the order.
22allocationPolicy: WarehouseAllocationPolicy
24# Allows to set who manages stock for this warehouse, 'Centra' or 'External'. If you select 'Centra' you will be
25# allowed to edit stock values in Centra and through API's. If you select 'External' you will not be able to edit
26# stock values in Centra, only via API's.
27stockMasterPolicy: WarehouseStockMaster
29# Allows to connect your Warehouse to a Brick and mortar store, which will return additional information about your
30# store (like location or opening hours) that can be used on the Front-end.
31brickAndMortar: NullableBrickAndMortarInput
33# Allows to assign which Account this warehouse should be connected to.
34consignationAccount: NullableAccountInput
36# This controls how many items should not be counted in the Free-To-Allocate (FTA) values
37threshold: Int
39warehouseLocation: WarehouseLocationUpdateInput
41# Assign an external ID to reference this object by it later
42externalId: String

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